Do you have R/T xtals: 469.5 mHz for Radius P-50?
Otherwise; 453.85 for same. I've got two P-50's which don't have same
channels...prefer the former (or both, I could xtal both radios to have two
common channels), as I also have HT-1000 programmed for 469.5.
Have surplus 458.7 (T) & 453.7 (R) for the P-50 for trade....
"Bob N2BR" wrote in message
Gear ForSale or TRADE
Motorola Micor Base UHF Repeater
3 PL boards
Squelch Board
Power Supply
Power Amp
in 4 Foot cabnet
$400.00 or TRADE
{{ PICKUP ONLY in Algood,TN }}
Yaesu FT-8900R Quad Band FM Transeiver
2-29.0-54-440 mhz FM
No Ding Dints Scratch marks NO MODS
with MH-48 DTMF,Manual,Box,DC Power Cable,Opt Packet Data Cable, {{ TRADE
FOR 440mhz DeskTop Repeater Only }}
Icom IC-V8 2 meter HT
Got New in April this year,Clean works Great,
With Box,Manual every thing i got new,
{{ TRADE For 440 mhz Mobile Radio ONLY }}
Over 100 plus Commercial Crystals for Motorola Mobiles/HT and Pace and
Midland Radios,Some NEW some Pulls, {{ For TRADE Let me know what you
got }}
Motorola MAXAR VHF 25 watts Mobile 4 Channel crystal control VHF,146-174
mhz,With Motorola Deskmic, {{ TRADE FOR UHF Base Vertical Antenna }}
Bobby Raymer N2BR
Echolink Station N2BR-L Node #27353
Algood,Tennessee EM76
Email Bob N2BR