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Old August 25th 03, 08:50 AM
Ryan, KC8PMX
Posts: n/a

I have a question for ya, merely out of curiousity....

Can the Minitor 3 or 4's be programmed with 2 different sets of tones??? In
other words, we have a couple members on our fire department that are also
on a neighboring department as well. Instead of them having to carry 2
pagers, or having to keep one in the wide-open recieve setting, they could
carry just one, and keep it in the A setting, which keeps the damned thing
quiet UNLESS it hears the tones it is programmed for.

Also, are any of the Minitor 1-4 series possible of recieving into the ham
band at all? Seems like there might be some interesting use of them in the
Amateur radio service possibly???? (ARES/RACES related)

Is either possible at all??

Ryan, KC8PMX
FF1-FF2-MFR-(pending NREMT-B!)
--. --- -.. ... .- -. --. . .-.. ... .- .-. . ..-. .. .-. . ..-.
... --. .... - . .-. ...

"Al Buterol" wrote in message
I have one Minitor III, VHF Freq, single channel, four position switch

with drop in charger and two batteries for sale. This will inlcude free
programming to your department's frequency and page tones, including


$250 includes pager, charger, programming and shipping.