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Old November 9th 04, 01:43 AM
Ralph Mowery
Posts: n/a

I've changed plans a bit, though - the Boeing ARC 2 meter
repeater is only 4,000 feet away and I'm worried about
intermod. So, instead of a high gain antenna at 20', I'm going
to go with a moderate gain antenna 10' higher. The idea is
to get good gain with a farther horizon rather than high gain
with a closer horizon.

Plus, it's cheaper, too!

Instead of the GP-9 @ 20', I'm going to add a 10' mast
and go with a GP-3. Installation sould be a lot easier, too.
Now, though, my gain figures are 2.913 db improvement
on VHF and 3.056 db improvement on UHF.

I'm seriously starting to wonder if I should just leave well
enough alone - the MFJ-1729 is performing well. I was
talking to N0IDW on the 145.19 Winfield, KS machine
(a distance of 32 miles) and I could hit the reverse button
and hear him on the input. He, however, could not hear me
on the input.


Don't change the antenna but go for height and a good grade of coax. It
won't show up for about 50 feet or so of coax on 2 meters but if going to
100 feet of coax it will on 440.
If your setup is doing what you want it to put the money to something else.
I don't do too much with the repeaters and FM so I was just using some rg-59
(75 ohm coax) to a home made dipole about 20 feet up the tower. It does
what I want it to on FM. Unless it was to add some tower I would not spend
$ 250 for an FM antenna system just to work repeaters.