Actually, there is quite a lot of fun to be had working FM simplex
and repeaters here when the band opens up. One minute you're
rag chewing with the locals on 146.490 simplex & the next thing
you know someone checks into the group from 3 states away!
That's when it's time to switch over to the beam and the Elecraft.
A few years ago I was living on a hill. With a 14 element yagi on
a 35' mast, I could just hear the Tulsa 145.110 machine when the
band started to open. Then it'd open up 100% and I'd talk to south
Texas on 2m FM or 450 miles away on 446.000 simplex.
That setup is a big differance than in your first posting. I mentioned I do
not do much FM work on 2 meters . I do work weak signal on 2 meter and 432
mhz ssb. It is not too unusual to work long distances that way. Ham radio
has many things that can be fun. I usually think of the repeaters and FM as
local contacts. I have worked from North Carolina to Canada about twice on
2 meter FM. Using a good antenna and ssb it is common to work out to 200 to
300 miles. The band "opens" a lot more if you have the advantage of about
10 to 20 more db of ssb.