
We have a difference of 'opinion' and a matter of perspectives ;-)
I would agree with you that it could be called a "Bent" Random
Wire Antenna: If the Lay of the Wire Antenna Element was in the
Horizontal Plane [Flat].
- Across-and-Out View
- - Top-Down Perspective
- - - Only Horizontal Polarized
However, in this instance the Lay of the Wire Antenna Element
is both in the Horizontal Plane and the Vertical Plane.
- Bottom-Up View
- - Side Perspective
- - - Both Horizontal and Vertical Polarized
Then Again - Going back to the 'original' 45 Foot Horizontal Wire
Antenna with a 22 Foot Vertical Ground Wire; that is fed with a
Matching Transformer. It could be 'viewed' as an Off-Center-Fed
Dipole with One Side Terminated.
NOW - If the 'original' 45 Foot Horizontal Wire Antenna with a
22 Foot Vertical Ground Wire is Modified with the addition of
a Vertical Down-Leg at the End of the Horizontal Wire; and still
is Fed with a Matching Transformer at the Top Near Corner.
It could be 'view' as directive array of Two Vertical Elements;
on the Far-End a Driven Vertical Element and on the Near-End
a Vertical Reflector Element.
for any piece of wire being used as an antenna . . .
- there are no rights or wrongs
- - its all a matter of perspective
- - - what works - works !