cloverleaf anenna?
Stefan Bürbaum wrote:
In a antenna lexicon I found something about a cloverleaf antenna from
Phillip H. Smith. I found only Pics from this type in use (or out of order)
for BC stations.
I'm not aware of any vertical antennas with cloverleaf patterns
so I am going to assume it is a horizontal antenna (as used for
BC shortwave).
A horizontal dipole longer than 1.25WL tends to have a multi-lobed
radiation pattern, at one point, resembling a cloverleaf. Such a pattern
is pretty much four-lobed when the dipole is about 1.6WL. At shorter
wavelengths than that, it exhibits more than four lobes and at high
multiples of the 1/2WL resonant frequency, becomes essentially an
end-fire antenna.
73, Cecil, W5DXP