Yep I have a AL-80B and it tunes sort of OK on the WARC bands.
Problem is Ameritron AL-80A and B has one tuned input circuit for both 10M
and 12M
And another single circuit for 15 and 17M
And another for 20/30M
And they are a compromise
So you may have VSWR from exciter to linear input
I Asked Ameritron about this and they confirmed it.
But my ATU in the exciter compensates very well -- so no problem.
I found the AL-80B's exclusive Dynamic ALC - to be a nightmare -- so
modded mine to be an AL-80A
I didn't mean to imply big linears for 30 M as it is limited to max 200
Watts out.
Just mentioning (not too well hi hi) that WARC bands include 30 Meters
But My Ameritron is labeled 20/30 Meters, so perhaps one might use a linear
to get 200 Watts -- I never do, however.
some amps won't tune on the WARC bands ---- I was referring to old amps
like Heathkit, Kenwood and others that do not tune the WARC Bands
A ham here frazzled a Kenwood amp trying to horse it to 12M
Caveat Old Linear
73 From The Signal In The Noise
Caveat Lector Ya All
"Ed Cregger" wrote in message
Maybe some amps won't tune on the WARC bands, but my Ameritron AL-80A
up just fine on 18 and 24 MHz.
I can't see how anyone could use an amp on thirty meters, unless they were
running something like an FT-817 as an exciter.
Ed Cregger
"Caveat Lector" wrote in message
I and many many other Hams would not consider selling a linear to a
non-ham, so -- I so informed him -- he reposted with his callsign --
bet he gets lots more responses now
And he didn't specify power or bands and as I sed many older linears
cover the WARC bands.
So all that was helpful (agree?)
Your response was not.
73 From The Signal In The Noise
Caveat Lector Ya All
" Are you just trying to start an arguement?? I can see nothing in his
original post that would cause me to think he was a CB'er. Just
didn't post his callsign? Stop playing newsgroup cop and go away. I
care if you go away mad, just go away.