Thread: E-Mail Problems
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Old September 23rd 03, 02:46 AM
Posts: n/a


Click on 'tools,' 'message rules,' click the mail (or 'news,' to set similar
rules for the news client) tab and set up your rules there. You can set
parameters for the sender, the subject and the recipient. You then have
twelve different actions to choose from if the post meets the criteria. The
'options' button allows you to further modify the rule.

FWIW; so far I've got a dozen senders, at least that many subject lines and
even more recipients listed to block this mess. Between all that, AND
BellSouths 'MailGuard' feature--which belatedly set up a spam-block on many
of the criteria I used (presumably)--I'm still getting several a day.

It'll die down soon...I hope.



"David Stinson" wrote in message
Ric wrote:

ie is what i use

That would mean you're using Outlook Express.
Unfortunately, I don't know how the filters on Outlook are
set up. Can someone who uses OE help him out?