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Old October 10th 03, 11:38 PM
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Brenda Ann wrote:

It's an adolescent attitude at best, and not the sort of attitude that
should be demonstrated by someone with as much power as the President of the
United States. FDR and Truman weilded the same power (as did JFK), and
never used such juvenile invective. To my best knowledge, only Bush and
Reagan ever had such an attitude, which could well lose us every ally we

Are you talking about the UN? Who needs them?
Most of them are third world terrorists and
despots. Since when do we leave the defense of
our nation to third world tinhorn dictators?
We are the only world super power and everyone
knows it. They respect us. Millions of people
are dying to get into this country every year.
Why? Because they hate us? Give me a break.

Here is another clue. September 11 2001.
Do you recall what that day was like?
That is the day America and the world
changed forever. Whether you like it or
not we must and we will defend ourselves
and that includes preemption if necessary.

I'm referring here to the information asked by Congress about his dealings
with the power industry, which he basically told them he was not going to

Listen to this carefully. IT IS NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS!!!
It is called the separation of powers. What do you think
the leftists would say if Cheney asked to see notes of
their meetings with other leftists. They would tell him
to take a hike. Rightfully so. Get a grip for pete's sake.
He was having a meeting about meeting the demands of the
nation's energy needs. Who would you invite to that meeting,
Bono? The answer is NO not Bono, but energy experts. Do
you see a pattern emerging here? Listen to the people who
know what they are talking about.

I'm talking here about Mr. Ashcroft's attitude that he is above the law of
the land. In the Moussoui (sp?) case, he refuses to obey Federal Court

Say what you want about Mr. Ashcroft, but he
and the rest of the Bush administration are the
only ones who remember 9-11. Those 10 idiots
running for president don't have a clue.
Thank God none of those pinheads are in charge.
We would be bowing down at the feet of the UN
and asking for their permission everytime we
went to the bathroom.

None of those sound too mature to me.

No they wouldn't sound mature to a pacifist.
But you or I don't get to decide. And that is
a good thing because we don't have all the
information that the White House has. Who are
you to play Monday morning quarterback?

everything as a threat if it is in the least bit forceful and confident.

I don't even know what that drivel is about.

Look, I'll say it again. We are the superpower.
I know you leftists hate that but it is fact.
What do people hate the Yankees? Because they
always win. I know you don't think it is fair,
but guess what, TOO BAD. You "hate America"
people need to wake up. We could wake up tomorrow
to a terrorist attack far worse than 9-11.
We are fighting an enemy that does not wear
a uniform. He could be your next door neighbor.

Get it through your thick skull, It is all about
the survival of our country and life as we know it.