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Old October 11th 03, 09:45 PM
David Little
Posts: n/a

Here is what I have. I am posting to the group (so it will be in the
archives) and emailing you as well.


Each channel has the following programming parameters:
a. Rx freq
b. Rx CTCSS tone code
c. Rx DTMF tones
d. Tx Freq
e. Tx CTCSS tone code
f. Tx DTMF tones

The Radio has these progtamming options:

a. Tx Time Out Timer
b. Scan Delay
c. Busy Channel Lockout (BCL)
d. DTMF Encode Operation
e. Power Save Timer

For Review Only (of current programmed data):

1. Turn Radio On
2. Hold FUNC button and pres M/S key
3. Display shows: CH
4. Enter 2 digit number (00 for radio's Config Parameters or Channel number
[01 - 16] for Channel Data)

For 00 the display will show (for approx 2 secs) a 5 digit number that
represents the Config options

eg. op03012 =
0 = TOT Disabled
3 = SCAN DELAY 2 sec,
0 = BCL Disabled,
1 = DTMF Encode Every PTT Press
2 = POWER SAVER TIMER 0.2 seconds

This comes from the following table info:

____________________Selection Code__________________

_________0_____1___ _2_____3_____4_____5_____6
TOT_____Dis___15____30____60____120___ (time out timer)
SD_______0___0.5_____1_____2_____4 _____(scan delay)
BCL_____Dis__Enabled____(Busy Channel Lockout)
DTMF____FP___EP___(dtmf encode)
PST______Dis___0.1___0.2___0.3___0.4____0.5____0.6 _(power save timer)

All times in seconds - FP=First Press, EP=Every Press (for paging operation)

For 01 - 16 the display wil show (for approx 2 secs) 6 screens for each
Channel Programmed

1. - 6 or 8 digit Rx freq in MHz - ex. 155.450 or 155.450* (See NOTE below)
2. - Two Digit Rx CTCSS Tone Code - ex. t 09 - For 00 = no tone and
01-38 = 67.0 - 250.3 with 39 = 69.4 (all in Hz)
3. - four digit DTMF tones or decoding - 0000 for no tones
4. - 6 or 8 digit Tx freq in MHz - ex. 155.450 or 155.450x where x could
equal 25 or 75
2. - Two Digit Tx CTCSS Tone Code - ex. t 09 - For 00 = no tone and
01-38 = 67.0 - 250.3 with 39 = 69.4 (all in Hz)
3. - four digit DTMF tones or decoding - 0000 for no tones

DTMF Tones = any four 1-digit DTMF tones - consisting of 0 - 9, *, #, A - D


Programming Reference

A. To Program Channel Data:
1. With small "P" in display, press M/S key
2. Enter Rx Freq's remaining 5* digits
3. Enter 2-digit Rx CTCSS Tone Code
4. Enter 4 Rx DTMF Tones (0000 = no tones)
5. Enter TX Freq's remaining 5* digits
6. Enter 2-digit Tx CTCSS Tone Code
7. Enter 4 Tx DTMF Tones
8. Press T/M Key
9. Enter 2-digit Channel Number to store data
10. Go to Step 1 to program another channel

*NOTE: Enter XXX12 for 12.50 kHz; Enter XXX37 for 37.50 kHz
_______Enter XXX62 for 62.50 kHz; Enter XXX87 for 87.50 kHz

B. To Program Configuration Data:
1. With small "P" in display, enter the 5 single-digit Selection Codes
(see Table above)
a. Enter TIME OUT TIMER's Code
b. Enter SCAN DELAY's Code
c. Enter BCL's Code
d. Enter DTMF ENCODE's Code
e. Enter POWER SAVE TIMER's Code
2. Press T/M Key
3. Enter "00" to store Configuraton Data

C. To Review Data:
1. With small "P" in display, press PRI Key
2. Enter a 2-digit Channel Number
a. Enter "00" for Configuration Data
b. Enter "01" to "16" for Channel Data

REMINDER: To place am operational unit in Review Only Mode, hold down the
FUNC button and press the M/S Key. No changes can be
made in this mode

For Receive only, Zero out the TX frequency when programming.


Hope this helps.

"GIL9734" wrote in message
I have 2 WHS150's that I need to program, I know about the toggle switch

the radio, but I need the info on the programming steps, any help would be
greatly appreciated.

Email directly to
