Hey Nomen Nescio:
*** I know this guy Stephen Hoover, who was selling
this older, loaded, FT-736R all mode radio.* I can
vouch for him that he, DOES NOT KNOW Britany
Spears personally.* I can also tell you that he sold this
rig to a guy in CA. minutes after posting it; for his asking
price of $1000 (NO HAGGLING).** Furthermore he's
still getting calls for this LOADED FT-736R with 2 Meters,
440 and the 220 and 1.2Ghz bands.
*** Now I would have bought this FT-736R rig from
Stephen, at this steal of a $1000 price (Stephen
offered it to me last week, before listing it here); but since
I already have this exact same model, with ALL THE
BAND MODULES (including the 6 Meter's one, on
the side), I really didn't need two of them.* Although
I've NEVER work any satellites with mine (and probably
never will), I bought mine exclusively to use as my ham
shacks all mode base station for the VHF/UHF and
beyond bands.* The FT-736R is a great rig with all its
modes (USB-LSB-FM/N-CW/N).* With it's built in
DC power supply,* it's a space saving and economical
alternative to having to buy 5 of those older, single band
Icom series, all mode base rigs; which I don't believe
you could touch all 5 (6Mt, 2Mt, 220, 440, 1.2 Ghz)
for under $2000.* It still amazes me what those Icom
guys get for those single band base rigs.* That's where
you should be wasting your Price Police energies at.
*** I'm a great one for Price Policing too at times
(check my Deja News/Goggle history); but YOU'RE
WAY OUT OF LINE attacking Mr. Hoover's
FT-736R, $1000 deal.* I'm not sure where your
coming from on this one.* Maybe your just poor now -
one of those guys who's mad at the world because he
lost one of those high paying jobs, he was never really
qualified for.* Or maybe you just a hater of Yaesu
products.* Either way, you're OUT-OF-LINE!!!
*** So now who's the "REAL WORLD LOOSER"
that smells like their own butt crack - that would
be you Nomen.
Gregory (K9OY)
Nomen Nescio wrote:
In article
(AA) wrote:
LOL. These two lids are nothing more than price cops for the price cops.
While they rant about people giving a seller a taste of reality, they in
turn are policing themselves. Kettle pot in other words. You can stand on
your head and shoot fireworks out your ass telling us what this is
"worth" or that "should cost" in your inflated idea of the real worth of
radios, but the bottom line is that this is an old radio with older
technology, there are no satellites worth working and the value has
dropped. You might love your wife to death but let's face it, she's
probably not worth much down on the corner.
RIP morons.