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Old October 15th 03, 04:41 PM
G.p.G. (DSL#5)
Posts: n/a

Hey Nomen Nescio:

*** I know this guy Stephen Hoover, who was selling
this older, loaded, FT-736R all mode radio.* I can
vouch for him that he, DOES NOT KNOW Britany
Spears personally.* I can also tell you that he sold this
rig to a guy in CA. minutes after posting it; for his asking
price of $1000 (NO HAGGLING).** Furthermore he's
still getting calls for this LOADED FT-736R with 2 Meters,
440 and the 220 and 1.2Ghz bands.

*** Now I would have bought this FT-736R rig from
Stephen, at this steal of a $1000 price (Stephen
offered it to me last week, before listing it here); but since
I already have this exact same model, with ALL THE
BAND MODULES (including the 6 Meter's one, on
the side), I really didn't need two of them.* Although
I've NEVER work any satellites with mine (and probably
never will), I bought mine exclusively to use as my ham
shacks all mode base station for the VHF/UHF and
beyond bands.* The FT-736R is a great rig with all its
modes (USB-LSB-FM/N-CW/N).* With it's built in
DC power supply,* it's a space saving and economical
alternative to having to buy 5 of those older, single band
Icom series, all mode base rigs; which I don't believe
you could touch all 5 (6Mt, 2Mt, 220, 440, 1.2 Ghz)
for under $2000.* It still amazes me what those Icom
guys get for those single band base rigs.* That's where
you should be wasting your Price Police energies at.

*** I'm a great one for Price Policing too at times
(check my Deja News/Goggle history); but YOU'RE
WAY OUT OF LINE attacking Mr. Hoover's
FT-736R, $1000 deal.* I'm not sure where your
coming from on this one.* Maybe your just poor now -
one of those guys who's mad at the world because he
lost one of those high paying jobs, he was never really
qualified for.* Or maybe you just a hater of Yaesu
products.* Either way, you're OUT-OF-LINE!!!

*** So now who's the "REAL WORLD LOOSER"
that smells like their own butt crack - that would
be you Nomen.

Gregory (K9OY)

Nomen Nescio wrote:

In article
**THE-RFI-EMI-GUY** wrote:

Instructions to read:
1. grasp both ass cheeks with hands
2. open cheeks wide
3. pull head from ass
4. keep pulling until a loud sucking sound is heard breaking the vacuum
that has built up inside
5. breathe deeply
6. oh, and wash your face. It smells like ****.
Get with the real world loser. A 736 is not going to sell for $1000
unless Brit Spears left tit is the tuning knob....and then maybe not.