On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 18:31:05 GMT, Wes wrote:
Who in their right mind would send a perfect stranger a couple
thousand dollars in hopes of getting a radio that worked, wasn't beat
up or the box isn't filled with rocks? Anyone who buys here or on Ebay
is a sap and deserves to be screwed. Quite frankly, you would be far
better off spending your money on a new rig backed by the
manufacturers warranty, etc. The prices on here and Ebay are a joke
and to pay top dollar to have Bubba pack up and send a rig only to be
broken before or after shipment is just retarded. I'm sure there are
legit folks both here and Ebay, but I wouldn't send anyone a check or
money order for a sight unseen radio. Anyone have any good horror
Then what are you doing in this group?
And what do you do when you need some item which is no longer
manufactured? There's plenty of equipment which does things that
nothing currently on the market can do (ie. Optoelectronics
Optotrakker), or which outperforms anything made today (ie. Pro-2006).
Most of the electronics I've bought online has required minor repairs.
But unlike you, I have the technical ability to make the repairs.
And, unlike you, I've eqipped my shack for several thousand dollars
less than what new equipment would have cost.