Thanks, Russ.
I'm really looking forward to the arrival of the ATS-909.
I really agonized over which radio to buy, and though the Sony 7600 series
is more sensitive off the whip antenna, the thing that bugged me about them
was the lack of a tuning knob. I also prefer a volume knob rather than a
wheel or up/down buttons.
I thought seriously about buying the Sony 2010, but just couldn't get past
the idea of buying a used radio that is known for having a few quirks, even
though it has a sterling reputation for reception.
Buying the Sangean with the anti-chuffing mod already done (but still under
warranty) seemed like a good idea, too.
I don't really intend for this radio to be a DX machine -- I would have
bought a desktop Grundig 800 or an Icom R-75 for that. I just wanted a good
entry-level radio to pick up the major shortwave broadcasters, that would
also give me the opportunity to listen to sideband occasionally.
I do intend to use a long-wire, strung in the attic (the covenants in my
neighborhood prohibit outside antennas).
I bought it from C.Crane, and also picked up the half-price deal on their
Chris Justice ferrite antenna. Hopefully, this will give me the reception
on the 909 on AM that my CCRadio+ currently does, and I can let one of the
kids have the CCR+.
-- Stinger
"radiok3pi" wrote in message
You will like the mod 909 a lot, don't fret! You will need both
eventually. : ) The 909 is better as a mini desktop and the 7600g(r)
is superior as a travel portable. 909 handles external antennas very
well. You need a moderate length external antenna and good AC adapter
to get the most out of it. Let us know how you like it.
Haven't found the cure here yet
-Russ K3Pi
"Stinger" wrote in message
Dammit, Dan, I didn't need to hear that right now. I've got a Sangean
909 Deluxe on order right now ;^)
-- Stinger
"Dan Schopp" wrote in message
wrote in message ...
Dan, If this radio is so good "why" selling it?
Would like to sell the DX 398 in order to purchase a Sony 7600GR. I am
a radioaholic and love having a new radio to play with.