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Old October 29th 03, 05:23 PM
Its Me Again !
Posts: n/a

Are there always a bunch of nitwits like you guys that like to make trouble
on these NG,Or is it second nature for you to start putting others down?All
you are doing is using up bandwith making your stupid remarks.

If you are not interested just go on your way and let others get in who may
want something.Remember just because your wife or girlfreind nags you,You
still won't have the last word.Have a nice day.
"Its Me Again !" wrote in message
. net...
I have a nice Icom IC-38A with manual but no box.
I am asking $250.00 plus a little for shipping from 01930 in Mass.

I have 2 Yaesu VX-1 for sale.One is missing the antenna.I have box and

on one but not on other..I do want to sell as a pair.I am asking $160.00

the 2 of them plus a little for shipping from 01930 in Mass.

I have a Radio Shack HTX-200 2 meter ht.It takes 2 AA batteries to run
it.Can be moded for out of band very easily.I have no box or manual but
manual can be downloaded from Radio Shack site.I am asking $60.00 for it

a little for shipping from 01930 in Mass.

I have a Standard C-508A multi band ht.It also runs off of 2 AA

have box and manual on it.I am asking $90.00 on it plus a little for
shipping from 01930 in Mass.

I have a Yaesu FTL-2001 mobile radio.I am not sure but I think it is a VHF
radio.I don't know much of it as it was taken in a box lot of stuff that I
got.I do know it does power up and keys up.It is well used and in rough
shape.I do not have a box or manual for it.I will ask $70.00 plus a little
for shipping from 01930 in Mass.

I have a Yaesu Vertex FTL-7011 UHF FM that operates great and looks good.I
am asking $225.00 Or BO for it.I have no manual or box.Please add a little
for shipping.

I have a Radio Shack Pro-2046 scanner for sale in great condition.It is
being used now.It covers 800MHZ also has 100 channels.I am asking $125.00
for it plus a little for shipping from 01930 in Mass.

I have a 500 channel PRO-92 with computer interface.I have box and do
beleive I have copy of manual.I am asking $160.00 for it plus a little for
shipping from 01930 in Mass.

All of these radios are in great shape unless stated..
Most of this stuff can be used as swap if interested.

I am (my wife is)looking for a good digital camera to keep in my wifes
pocket rather than her keep her Mavica.She wants to be able to take it

ever she goes in the car.
I am also looking for a high end Laptop.(1 gig or better for any trades or
fair price.
Also looking for a fair priced Icom IC-706MK2G

I would entertain offers on these items.Please email me at

call me at 978-281-3359
Thanks for looking.