"Richard Clark" wrote in message
Hi Ken,
Not much reactance overall for one. I've lost track what bands you
want to work, but the SWR would suggest not much Q either. There is
also the matter of how long your cable is too at any particular
wavelength; at some lengths, like half wave, it just doesn't matter if
you had a choke or not (the radiation resistance would snub the
current anyway).
You got 3:1 for any number of reasons, but your tuner took care of it.
That's what a tuner is for. [However, as a solution it is unrelated
to your original problem of a hot coax shield.]
Feeling a little chagrined at accelerating the super glue bond? ;-)
Offhand I would offer that you are probably out of the woods. Just
leave it alone barring repeated symptoms that lead you here.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC
I have used baking soda as an accelerator for years - works great
everytime. Just don't let the puff of smoke that comes out get into
your nostril membranes or your eyes..... nasty reaction, then!
Winding the coil had several good effects:
1) No more rfi in my PC speakers
2) No more fluctuating SWR readings
3) More consistant (and faster) autotuner action
So, it works - thanks to all the advice I got here (it really
makes me feel like the tech + KB0PWC I started out as),
I've got a viable radiation system.
I'll have to wait for the winter 160m season to see how
well the system gets out on that band - W7EL Roy suggested
I model the antenna on EZNEC and compare the resonance
points and SWR bandwidth. I think (?) I have the program
figgured out and it appears his worry about the bricks in my
building effecting the antenna are somewhat proper.
However, the performance of this antenna in the AM broad-
cast band is SUPERB! I'm hearing stations all over the band
at night, from as far away as Chicago and Los Angeles. So
I've got hope the antenna won't be a complete flop on 160.
Last night I worked several of the Ohio QSO party stations
on 40 meters with many amazed at my "QRP with a wire"
setup...... not to bad from Colorado.....
72's de Ken KG0WX