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Old November 11th 03, 07:35 PM
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Harry wrote in message ...
Darren418 wrote:
I am not a regular user of eBay, so needless to say, I was quite
surprised when my HR2600 was banned. I emailed eBay and they
basically said the HR2600 has been deemed by the FCC to be an illegal
radio since it's used frequently for out-of-band pirate operation.
Since I am a licensed ham, bought the radio legally from another ham,
and have always operated it legally, I can't see how they can ban
these radios (other than the fact that they can because it's their
auction site and I know this trumps fairness).

I know about the HR2600 ban and it does not make sense to
include it with the Lincoln and the HR2510. Those radios
are easily modified but the 2600 requires major surgery
in order for it to operate out of band. Common sense doesn't
seem to be all that common.

I did not see your auction so I don't know if this applies.
I put up a very nice HR2600 on ebay this year. It had the
Chipswitch so it was capable of 10 thru 12 meter operation.
I mentioned in my auction that it would operate on 11 meters
and ebay pulled it. I listed it again and only mentioned 10
and 12 meter operation and they left it alone. You could also
list it without mentioning the model of the radio. Bidders
could email you about specifics.

Yep, you guessed it. Same deal with mine. The wording I used was
operates "10 *through* 12 meters." I emailed them and proposed that
if I change the wording to "10 *and* 12 meters would it be ok. The
answer was that the wording didn't matter.

Below is the exchange I had this morning with eBay. It seems eBay is
guilty of merely blind obedience to the FCC and that the problem lies
with the FCC's determination that all HR2600's are "problematic" and
are of a "prohibited nature." When I bought the radio years ago from
its original owner (also a licensed ham) I liked that the radio had a
Chipswitch so I could operate it on 12 meters where I have operated it
extensively. An added side benefit is that I can monitor CB during
long roadtrips (I don't own a regular CB but can see their usefulness
out on the highway). I have never transmitted out of band nor have I
ever wished to. I guess my biggest problem with all of this is that I
feel like I've been falsely accused and assumed to be a criminal. I
must say I was somewhat offended by the whole episode. Here's the
exchenge with eBay:

Hello Darren,

Thank you for taking the time to write eBay with your concerns. I'm
happy to help you further.

We absolutely understand that you did not intentionally violate our
policies. However, the Uniden HR2600 model is simply not permitted on
eBay. Regardless of how the item is described, it just isn't allowed.
apologize for the inconvenience.

Your item was ended because it was identified by the FCC as
problematic. At eBay, we are not experts on transceivers and the
specifications of each model and how it may be modified. Therefore, we
rely on the FCC for guidance. eBay was contacted by representatives
the FCC and asked to remove certain models of radios that, while
may be problematic. Therefore, you may contact the FCC if you have any
further questions about the prohibited nature of your particular

For further information concerning why your model was ended, contact
LaForge at the FCC Laboratory, 7435 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD
21046, (301) 362-3041, or E-mail:

We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this matter,
wish you continued success on eBay.


eBay Community Watch
__________________________________________________ _________________________
Message: Item #: 3058207918

Dear Sir or Ma'am,

I believe you may have misunderstood the nature of my item that was
removed today. The radio is a fully FCC type accepted and approved HF
tranceiver. It is designed and advertised by the manufacturer (Uniden)
as a 10 meter HF tranceiver with 12 meter capability after minor
modification. As a consequence of the modification it is, admitedly,
capable of operating between the 12 meter and 10 meter amateur bands.
However, it is NOT a so-called "export," "CB," or other non-type
accepted radio. It's fully FCC approved. Many, many, hams have
the Uniden HR2600 in this particular fashion to enable them to operate
legally on 12 meters as well as 10, and is not at all inconsistent
perfectly legal operation on these bands.

There are also many other FCC type accepted HF radios capable of
operation outside the amateur bands that are listed on eBay right now,
so I'm not sure why my radio is different. In reviewing my item's
listing, perhaps if I had said "operates on 10 and 12 meters" rather
than "10 'through' 12 meters" or included a disclaimer that the
of the radio must hold an FCC genral class or higher ham license,
my listing be ok?

Also, I would like to point out that I am a law-abiding ham radio
operator who holds a General class amateur radio license, call sign
W5DKE, and that I legally operate this radio on both 10 and 12 meter
amateur bands. If a purchaser "might" operate the radio outside the
legal amateur bands, that should not preclude my being allowed to sell
the item. Otherwise you would have to end the majority of transceiver
auctions I see in the Ham Radio Tranceiver section of your website.

Lastly, you can see from my selling history that I am not a regular
of eBay. Please understand that I in no way intended to circumvent or
disregard your site's policies and if I have, please accept my


Darren Ream