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Old November 16th 03, 02:41 PM
Paul Vanasse
Posts: n/a

"Bill Turner" wrote in message

My experience is just the opposite.

Recently retired my trusty TS-870S in favor of an IC-746PRO (wanted
built-in VHF) and couldn't be happier.

This is like comparing a 1993 IBM SX-386 to new Dell 2.2 GHz laptop.

1. Have yet to hear any intermod.

Do you live in an area that is subject to intermod? At my QTH my 746 played
paging tones like the Marine Corps Marching Band even with the filters
engaged. These radios have pathetic front ends. The only way around the
problem is to purchase expensive external band pass filters.

2. Auto tuner works perfectly.

Sure, if you dont make any mistakes. Do a Yahoo search on how many of these
radios have been sent back to Icom due to antenna tuner problems. The
switching relay in the 746 and 746 Pro is rated for 10 watts. One stupid
mistake and POOF! A 10 watt relay usually melts when one puts 100 watts into
it (albeit the actions of a lid).

3. Audio reports are all excellent (using cheapie Radio Shack mike)

Thats good, but dont use any of the Icom desk mic's on 2 meter FM because
you'll have the same audio as the Wizard of Oz. "Dont pay any attention to
that old man behind the curtain".

4. With one exception, noted below, the panel layout is much better
than the '870.

Lets not forget that one can buy a 706MkIIG for $750 brandy new in the box
which is essencially the same radio (+ 70cm) as the 746. Why would anyone in
their right mind spend double that amount just to just a table top version
of the 706MkIIG?