Thread: WTB: QRP Xcvr
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Old November 19th 03, 09:41 PM
Steve Silverwood
Posts: n/a

[This followup was posted to and a copy was sent to the
cited author.]

In article ,
Single band or.....1w to 5w , is a gift to ol' timer who has no money.
Prefer 40 or 30M. Kit is OK, un-finished is OK.
Looking to spend $50. or less. 'al'

You have a heart of gold, sir!

I didn't have a chance to do much research on pricing, but you'll
probably find several kit options on the American QRP Club site
( The NorCal QRP Club merged with the NJQRP
group to form this one. Both groups have put out some pretty cool kits
in the past, so you should find a number of options.

Hope that helps.


-- //Steve//

Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA