I take exception to your post, i'm one of those "old fart amateur radio
operators" who still does my own mods or what ever it takes to keep my
equipment on the air.
It took longer to take of cover off the radio than to do the mod
(surface mount component) for MARS on my kenwood ts-570D (a major waste
of time). MARS isn't what it is built up to be. Modern technology has
passed them by. We don't use "welding irons", we use weller soldering
irons. I do agree that some hams push the word cheep way to far.
It wasn't fair to put all "older, experienced" hams in the same class.
Don't ever underestimate us, learn for us you could be surprised what we
can share with you. Most of us have forgot more about ham radio then you
will ever now.
Have a positive day.
N4ATS wrote:
Guys , come on , I am not saying that it is "hard" , Some of you old
fart amateur radio operators can't hardly see let alone removing SMD
componants with a 120 VAC Radio Shack welding iron...I would say 75% can
do your own , 25% can't even find a screwdriver to get the covers
off..Sit in front af A.E.S. sometime and look at some of the trash that
comes through. I seen a "duck tape" ATAS-100 last week. to cheap to buy
a mount. It was taped on to the side rear quarter panel of about a 1979
station wagon with duck tape.The PL-259 screwed into a barrel and into
the ATAS...If you say it is easy , then good for you , however think of
you lower life friends who can't.