Ian McCloy wrote:
i am looking for an all mode vhf radio with digital display and has the 600
offset that works below 146.000 so i can access local repeaters.
I have a 4 month old Yaesu VX-2R and a Yaesu FT-2800 mobile 55 watts also 4
months old to trade for the all mode plus cash
or will just pay cash for the all mode radio
The radio must work and not be DOA on receipt of radio
Thanks Ian VA7SW//VE7IRA
I tried to email you direct, but your email bounced. I have a Yaesu FT-290R
mk II for sale or trade. It is in good shape, some wear from being used
mobile. Comes with mobile mount, mic, manual, and aftermarket tone board. I
am looking for a 6 meter all mode, preferably a Heathkit SB-110A. I will sell
the Yaesu outright for $300 US. Let me know if interested.
Wayne, KEØBZ
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