In article 6fkod.1715$3I.569@okepread01,
Ken Bessler wrote:
Well, I finally got a SWR meter for UHF and put it
on my 2 meter colinear base antenna. The antenna
is a Hustler CG-144 with radial/mast mount kit. It's
a 1/4 wave phased with a 5/8 wave. It's best VHF
swr is 1.2:1 @ 144.900 mhz.
I had tested it on 440 with my HT and it seemed to
work so I got a SWR meter and tested it. My friend
Dave KC0EMK also came over with his UHF ant
Both meters show a varying SWR around 1.8:1 with
a dip to 1.1:1 @ 440.500 mhz. Coax is 37' of Flexi
4XL with properly fitted PL-259's on each end.
What gets me is if this antenna performs so well on
UHF and the swr's are not too bad, then WHY doesn't
Hustler advertise it as a dual band antenna?
Perhaps because SWR isn't everything!
I suspect that if you measure this antenna's pattern, or simulate in
in NEC or a similar software suite, you'll find that it has a lot of
high-angle radiation, and that its actual gain out towards the horizon
is not wonderful (may even be negative, measured in dBd).
It'd be embarrassing for Hustler to advertise it as a dual band
antenna, but have to quite gain figures on 440 which show that the
antenna performs worse than a simple quarter-wave-plus-radials ground
plane antenna.
Dave Platt AE6EO
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