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Old December 12th 03, 04:33 PM
PowerHouse CB & Scanner
Posts: n/a

Here's a little help for you since you seem to not be inteligent enough to
find it on your own...


How to Create Message Filters [in Forte Agent]

Usenet and email message filters consist of the following components:

· A filter expression.
· One of the available kill actions or watch actions.
· A priority between 0 (lowest) and 1000 (highest). Filters are evaluated
in priority order. If more than one filter matches a message, the highest
priority filter's action is performed.
· An optional expiration date, expressed in the number of days the filter
should be kept. Agent automatically deletes expired filters. This helps
you keep the number of filters from getting out of hand.
· An enabled/disabled flag. This allows you to temporarily disable a filter
without deleting it altogether. You can also use the Group Properties
dialogs to temporarily disable all filters for selected groups.

How to create kill filters

To create a filter from scratch:

If the filter is going to be for a specific group or folder, make sure the
group is highlighted.

1. Select Open Usenet Filters from the Window menu to open the Usenet
Filters window.
2. Open the Add Filter dialog box using one of the following equivalent
methods to display the Add Filter dialog box:

Menu command: Add Kill Filter
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+K for kill filters

3. Complete the settings in the Add Filter dialog box. [Type "subject: fa:"
into the "Filter Expression" dialog box. Ensure that "Delete" is selected
under the "Kill Action" area. Ensure that "Group:" is
selcted under the "Scope" area. Uncheck the "Expire this filter..." box.
Click the "OK" button.]