Thread: Bye Bye CW
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Old December 14th 03, 03:52 PM
Posts: n/a

K5IN wrote:

CW maybe antiquated but it still serves a purpose

What purpose? Who of importance do you dit-dah with? No one!

NO ONE USES CW... No one, not the military, not the maritime or Coast Guard,
not the weather service or the state of Minnesota. The only Hams that use CW
are the same old tired idividuals that complain about the "new Hams." And truth
be known, I bet one-half of those Hams are using a keyboard/computer to send and

If it were not for the new Hams, there would be no participants. Dah, it to the
21st century... When will YOU old-timers move without kicking and screaming
"they are taking away my hobby?" NO ONE is taking anything from you. We just
wish to use a "different" language. Its no wonder I do not venture on HF.
Every other frequency has a net of some sort or some two Hams are conversing on
"their freq" yapping about nothing.

Bring on the flames... I am off the soapbox.

Mike Dickman
reply: m3425man at

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A Star Tribune letter writer expressed frustration that Tim Pawlenty and
the House aren't listening to her desire to pay more taxes. She need not
feel so frustrated. She is perfectly free to send any amount of her
income to the government or the nonprofit of her choice. The unstated
reason for the frustration is that she wants the House to raise everyone
else's taxes to pay for the social programs she desires.