On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 22:08:29 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"
Not having much else to do at present I thought I would make a comment on Zo
and Ro of transmission lines. For entertainment and educational value, of
course, if you like that sort of thing.
The condition for which Zo of a transmission line is always purely resistive
(Zo = Ro) is extremely simple. It is -
G = C * R / L
where G is shunt conductance, C is shunt capacitance, R is series
resistance, L is series inductance, all per unit length of line.
Which applies to any line length, at any frequency from DC to UHF.
It is a shortcoming of the Smith Chart, with Zo always equal to Ro, that it
does not make you aware of this and can lead you up the garden path if you
are not careful. As has recently occurred on this newsgroup.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not against Smith Charts. They are graphically
educational within their limitations.
Reg, G4FGQ
Dear Reg,
You say that it is a shortcoming of the Smith Chart that Zo equals Ro.
However, I think that is either a misunderstanding or just misleading.
The Smith Chart only constrains the normalizing quantity to be purely
resistive - not the characteristic impedance of a particular
transmission line being shown on that chart. My program, SmartSmith,
for example, allows the user to specify both an Ro and an Xo term for
all transmission line sections.
When it's all said and done, the Smith Chart only implements the
transmission line equation (as shown on pages 24-10 and 27-29 in the
17th Edition of The ARRL Antenna Book).
With my respects and best wishes,
Bob, W9DMK, Dahlgren, VA