I agree completely with the 'toll gate' reference.
Simply 'wanting' to be a ham (and having a VISA card) should not be enough.
Have a listen around the 26MHz to 28MHz for both the legal and out of band
CB operators. Do you want the ham spectrum to sound like that?? I certainly
don't. I don't think many of us wish to hear echoplexed microphones on HF
nor our repeaters. (and yes, I host a repeater.) Do all CB users operate
like that? Certainly not! Back then, I certainly did not, and yes, all
through high school myself and my now 'ham' buddies all had CBs.
We don't want simply 'more' hams. We certainly don't need an influx of lids
QRMing the bands to a state of being unusable, heavens knows we have enough
already. I wanted to be a ham for years, and after putting in some effort,
studying a few times a week, and yes, practicing code on W1AW every night it
was receivable, I got my ticket. It makes you appreciate something when you
have to work for it, even if it's just a little effort. Now before I get
flamed to pieces here speaking up in defense of CW, remember, I'm not saying
anyone MUST use code, but having a few technical hurdles to cross makes for
a better ham population on the other end.
Someone wants to get on HF without a code requirement? I'm sure most hams
would not mind that if there was a suitably challenging technical
requirement to replace it.
There's my two cents, and thanks to all you hams who operate keeping others
in mind. It's a pleasure to share the spectrum with all of you.