1 wpm?
"Chas" wrote in message
5WPM Bill, 5WPM, how much more easy does it have to be? The written is
simple & the CW test a joke. I know of 7 year olds that passed a 5WPM CW
test & are still licensed hams today, no Doctorates, just determined.
Chuck WG2A
"Bill Turner" wrote in message
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 23:21:25 GMT, "Chas" wrote:
Sorry Bill, the
anti-code types are just a pack of seriously lazy people.
I know several people with doctoral degrees who are utterly turned off
of ham radio by the code requirement. Do you honestly think someone who
persevered through eight years of college is "lazy"?
Your attempt to paint all anti-code people with the same brush just
doesn't work.
Bill W6WRT