On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 02:40:24 GMT, Mike Coslo
hillbilly3302 wrote:
well Marty old habits are hard to break.... more than half the Hams out
there were x-CB'ers. nothing wrong with that. they will get it right
as time goes by.... I've been a HAM for 36 years and started in CB....
I think the proper term for that is two words. "seven three" no "s"
It seems a little odd for people to get stuffy about 73 vs 73's, when
both are designed for Morse CW.
If you are speaking, neither is "correct".
- Mike KB3EIA -
When was the last time you heard 73's sent on CW? Of course I have
only been licensed for 52 years, so I will have defer to those more
senior than me.
Dick - W6CCD