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Old December 21st 03, 06:52 PM
Posts: n/a

I had a friend who used the Diamond X700 antenna for a mountain top
repeater setup. He bought it because of its ruggedness. He had the very
same complaints with it that you are having. He had to tear it down every
few months and clean and resolder poor connections. He still uses it today
as a remote base antenna - as you mentioned, it works fine in simplex

I have since built 2 repeater systems and opted for the Comet GP-9 to
test their performance. I was amazed at the results - not only have they
performed well but they have been running mainenance free for over 4 years
now. For the severe high wind/ice environments they make a non-conductive
PVC type support arm that you can secure the middle of the antenna with.
This obviously requires the Antenna to be mounted on a side-arm instead of
at the top of the tower, I know of one in this configuration running
succesfully with excellent results on a mountain top for quite some time.
The Comet costs less than the Diamond as well. Mine were about $175.00.

The Cell-Wave or Phelps Dodge or Folded Dipole type antennas are much more
durable and obviously better built antennas but usually way more expensive.
Unless you can score a used one cheap.

Wade - KR7K

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 3:12 PM
Subject: Help on Repeater Ant. To Buy

Here is a problem that I'm having with my Diamond X700.
Hopefully someone can give me some advice on which antenna would suit
my needs best.


My Diamond X700 cost me $400. I'm using it for a VHF repeater

The problem it causes is every now and then, I get gurgling noises and
crackling in the transmit and it takes out weak signals.

This problem may stay in a few days and be gone for a few days and
then come back again.

It is not my TX RX duplexer. That was already checked out.
I replaced my coax with LMR400. (75 ft. run)
I have even changed repeaters and get the same results.

Someone told me that the Diamond antennaes are NOT good in repeater
service because they whip around and the rods inside do get broken and
cause problems and will not show a bad SWR. My SWR is fine.

Anyone out here have the same problems that I'm having? Do you have
any suggestions on a proper antenna to use?

I do have one suggestion and that was to get a Decibel products DB 224
antenna. Their website shows it as 6 DB gain where my Diamond is 9
I'm afraid that I will lose my receive coverage with the lesser DB

Can anyone comment on the Decibel product? Any help and suggestions
would be appreciated.

Or if you can suggest any other antenna that could be used for
repeater use at my home.