Thread: Humvee radios?
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Old January 4th 04, 05:18 PM
Matthew D.
Posts: n/a

Thanks for the reply Mike. I had a low band rig in mind. You say they're
unreliable? I thought being a military radio they'd be, forgive the pun,
bulletproof. Otherwise I'd just go get an 706MII and a remote head kit. If I
read you right these radios come as separate Rx and Tx units? There goes the

I saw an as-new SINCGARS radio on ebay last month. Went for over $1500
without the "boards" needed to work. Looked very cool.

Thanks again for the advice,


"Mike" wrote in message
Depends on wether you want a "command vehicle" or "close-air-support" or

??? I
would find a picture of one in the news or from a military site and go

there. Besides, then you will need the appropiate mike, speaker, power

tuner and finally antenna. And then you will need three of everything

they are allways failing. Now that I think of it you probably cannot buy

SINGARS radio either.

I spent a few years in the Army. But the last thing I would want in my

is one of those worthless RT-524 VHF radios. Too heavy to just haul

cause it looks good!

"Matthew D." wrote:


My question is for all you military radio buffs. I'm going to restore an

USMC Humvee and I need to know something about the radios
that are used currently. At this point I know nothing about them. Since

also a Ham I'd like any radio I put in to work on the Ham bands
and not just look cool, although cool is important too. :')

Thanks for the pointers folks,

Matthew D.

reply: m3425man at

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