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Old January 22nd 05, 05:03 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

bb wrote:

Mike Coslo wrote:

Caveat Lector wrote:

I have that problem occaisionally with a bencher single paddle key
and increasing the spacing between the points and adding a little


spring tension solves the problem.

I'll try that. There is an adjustment spring, but perhaps it is a
little weak and should be replaced.

I like the contact spacing paper thin, but when it is too thin --

may cause

a double bounce.

Yes Bencher does make a single paddle key -- looks like the Iambic

with two

paddles -- but functions as a single paddle key.

That sort of key sounds logical to me. Although I'm starting to


the Iambic, it still seems a little strange. I should probable see if


et a little better before switching again.

Thanks, Mike KB3EIA -

Indeed they are strange. That's why I'm not big on lambics, but I do
enjoy a trappist on ocassion. My preferences lean toward wheats and
pales, and kolsch if I want a lager.

I must confess to a weakness for the Chimay line. I was working at MIT
offsite a few years back, and there was a wonderful restaurant in
Cambrige Square - The Wurst House - where we would go for dinner often.
We'd often split a bottle, one per two people. Unfortunately, the Wurst
house is gone...8^(

Otherwise, I like a good wheat such as Franziskaner. A Kolsch is also

I haven't made a pale in a while, in fact the first one I did was an
accident. I something like tripled the amount of hops in a brew I made.
Almost threw the batch away after the first swig. By the time I was
finished with the batch, I was a true believer in Hops!

I also brewed my first successful wheat beer this fall. I am pretty
pleased with it. Light and a good bit of flavor at the same time. A
partial mash.

If you ever do make it to Dayton, we should exchange a few bottles.

- Mike KB3EIA -