If it looks too good to be true it probably is???
Great prices.
"George" wrote in message
Our local CB/Radio shop recently went out of business. There were
several items they had which I wanted but I could only buy them in
large 'wholesale' lots. So to get what I wanted I had to buy some
items which I really didn't need. So I'm selling off the items I
don't want.
The items listed below are all brand new, in original boxes. Included
will be a receipt so you get the full factory warranty. All prices
include shipping.
Take a look and if you have questions please email me at
-- CB Radios --
Galaxy DX 2547 40 Channel CB Base -- $200.00
TEXAS RANGER 696F 40 Channel CB Base -- $200.00
COBRA 148NW-ST NIGHT WATCH AM/SSB -- $100.00 (I have several)
Galaxy DX959 11 Meter Mobile W/FreqCounter -- $100.00 (I have several)
Uniden President Grant LT -- $100.00
RANGER TR-296 Gold Faced AM/SSB Mobile -- $100.00
-- CB Amps --
BOOMER 300 Base Amplifier 300 Watts -- $200.00
(for more info:
KLV-550 Base Amplifier 550 Watts -- $230.00
(for more info:
-- Scanners --
Uniden BC780 XLT -- $200.00
Uniden BC785 XLT -- $200.00
Uniden BC250D -- $150.00
Digital Card -- $150.00
Uniden BC296D Digital -- $375.00
Uniden BC796D Digital -- $375.00
-- Ham HF and VHF Rigs --
Alinco DR620T 2m/70cm Dual Band Mobile -- $225.00
Icom 2720H 2m/70cm Dual Band Mobile -- $225.00
Yeasu FT840 HF Base -- $425.00
Kenwood TS-50S HF Mobile -- $475.00
Again all equipment is brand new in original boxes.
Thanks for looking