I browse eBay everyday but rely on ads in this news group for some
categories, including radio stuff. I just don't have the time to browse
every category of stuff that interests me.
"Bill Turner" wrote in message
I have to admit I'm starting to think you guys who object to ebay ads on
rec.radio.swap are correct. For years I've had the attitude that ebay
postings were ok here, but I'm having second thoughts.
I came to the realization that if you *are* interested in ebay offerings
you have to go there and browse anyway, since only a few of them are
posted here.
And if you're not interested in ebay offerings, then the few that are
posted here would be a source of annoyance.
I'll say it: A giant DUH to me.
It's not every day you see me change my mind on something, so mark your
calendar. :-)
Ebay postings, begone!!
Bill, W6WRT
a user of rec.radio.swap before you were born :-)