1. Reduced possibility to RFI, TVI to the neighbors
2. An ego booster if you can do the mostest with the leastest
3. A challenge of your skills
4. Fun to be the underdog (for some, others wud rather be top dog)
5. Enhances your skills as it can be more difficult to make contacts
6. You will soon find it is generally easier to make CW QRP contacts -- so
enhances your CW skills
7. Equipment is usually cheaper
8. Lot easier to operate on batteries or solar power than 100 watt rig
9. A great brag tape "I worked DXCC QRP" there is an ARRL award for QRPers
10. Fun to calculate miles per watt and improve your record
11. Less chance of frazzling your brain if close to the antenna
12. The dog will probably live if it chews on the antenna
13. Less chance the XYL will complain -- "Ur gettin in the telephone"
14. A snap at the height of the solar cycle on 10 and 12M ( little tougher
on the other bands)
15. At the DX club, a big gun flashes a rare QSL card (he/she runs a KW) you
show your QRP card - Gotcha
16. Easier to homebrew a QRP rig
17. Meets part 97 for using the lowest power necessary to make a contact
(Too many KW's on the band)
18. It is a David and Goliath thing
19. You are only down ~ 2 S-Units compared to running 100 Watts
1. You can spend days trying to break a pileup of a rare station
2. For the determined and patient only (read that one again)
3. Just plain frustrating when you can hear the a station quite well and
they can't hear you
4. Ya better have a real real good antenna and low loss transmission line
5. Tough to be QRP on the low bands (80 and 160M, too much noise)
6. Other Hams will tell you QRP is for sissies ( but the enlightened know
7. For the upper bands, at the minimum of the solar cycle -- man ya gotta
work work work to get contacts
8. Read number 2 again
9. Read Number 2 again
Off the top o da head answers
Gore Rilla -- ARRL QRP award
"Simon Smith" wrote in message
Is there any advantages/Disadvantages to operating on QRP ?