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Old February 21st 04, 04:12 AM
Andy Cogswell
Posts: n/a

Ah, the old "Guilty until innocent" thing. I see.

73! de Andy KC2SSB
Beachwood, NJ USA! Grid FM29vw

"MR NO SPAM" wrote in message
Because not long ago, he was in quite a few news groups looking for
donations for a "ham club" and now all the sudden he is having a massive
sale of equipment. Coincidental maybe, but it sure doesn't look good. IF
that is HIS stuff, why doesn't HE donate to the club???? Be a nice tax
deduction. He may be totally innocent here, but it sure looks kind of

as it has been presented. MNS.

"Scott Garvison" wrote in message
I've dealt with Jeff before & had no problems. Why is everyone "beating


"Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer"

in message news:e260f745fcbcf2c03da51dda4d9dcefd@cypherpunks. to...
If in doubt, a search of google newsgroups will provide plenty of
questions as to whether you want your hard earned money leaving your
hands and finding its way to Jeff Forkos. (joke goes...Did Jeff sell
donated equipment and did he FORK-US?)
There's no doubt your money will leave, but what will you get in

if anything? And will this be equipment that was donated by hams that
thought they were giving equipment to his local club only to find it

sale on the usenet posting boards?
(please note: asking tough questions is the only way of making sure

get what you pay for)