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Old February 23rd 04, 07:36 AM
Posts: n/a

SO how come he didn't just reply to questions early on? It sure would have
avoided many questions afterwards, feelings of suspicion and so on. You
would think someone from the club would have been reading all the posts and
concerns and would have responded a hell of a lot sooner. IF he felt he was
getting in over his head, he could have asked the club officers to respond.
I'm sure at least one of them has access to News groups. Some one needed to
answer the valid questions being put forth. BUT STILL... his sales of
"similar" types of equipment AFTER asking for donations of equipment put a
bad air about it all. IT JUST DID NOT LOOK GOOD. There is no other way to
paint it. He may be innocent as all get out, but the way he went about it

Furthermore, he was "allegedly" representing a club according to him and
your post below... His attitude towards those wishing to know more (perhaps
to donate) did more damage than to help. He is not POSTER BOY material for
that club. ANYONE wishing donations for a club or to sell equipment
would/should be happy as hell to answer any and all questions and be
reasonable in their answers. He failed on all accounts. THAT is why so many
doubted him. HE brought it all upon himself, and being he is allegedly a
member of the club, may have harmed them too! NOT GOOD. He may not be one of
the "bad" guys, but he sure has no skills in dealing in business with
people. In my own opinion as the creator and President of a club, he gave
that club a bad mark. Had he been a member of our club, he would have gotten
the boot for that sort of action. He may have meant well, but it sure in
hell didn't come across as such. Him and/or some members of that club should
have replied before the embers of that camp fire turned into a blazing
forest fire. They should have guarded their interests or put it out at the
start. NOW they have a lot of damage control to do. That is sad.... MNS.

"Steve" wrote in message
I'm reposting this from another ham newsgroup.
As I said a while ago, Jeff, N2ION is a respectful member of LIMARC.
He is not one of the bad guys!!

As a former member of LIMARC (I did not renew only because I moved away
from the area), I wrote to the current president, Daniel Reisman NY2L
(whom I know personally), and informed him of the responses to N2ION's
messages soliciting donations of equipment to LIMARC.

Daniel assured me that N2ION is acting on behalf of the LIMARC Board of
Directors in soliciting these donations. An official statement probably
will be issued by the Board after its next meeting.

LIMARC is on the Web at

Alan AB2OS

On 02/18/04 06:13 pm NR 17 26DIVISION put fingers to keyboard and
launched the following message into cyberspace:

its all lies we checked out the numbers on one of their other adds,
also the EMAIL address that it is sent from is differant every time,
why not use the one for the charity??? or the home address of the

because its lies..
you have been reported to the athorities

"N2ION" wrote in message

Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club (LIMARC), is looking for



"Ham" gear, like triband beams, rigs, and towers, to be used for our


Communication Stations, and Field Day.

If you have any old equipment that you're not using anymore, and would

like to

donate it to our cause, we will make sure that you get a nice letter,


that we have 503 c(3) status with the I.R.S. ,for a tax deduction,



We really need your help, so please try to assist us in any way that



Thanks in advance