March 4th 04, 07:01 PM
Nick Marsh wrote:
Complete Yaesu FT-70G portable manpack HF transceiver with accessories,
copy of operating manual and Yaesu Service Manual. Transmit 2-30 MHz.
Receive 500 KHz-30 MHz. 10 Watts USB/LSB/AM/CW. Direct thumbwheel
programming on front panel, 3 spare thumbwheel switches included.
Battery pack good for about 5 to 6 hours of use. All items in excellent
* FT-70G Transceiver
* 10F2.4DL LSB Filter (installed)
* MH-17A8 Speaker/Mic
* YH-70 Handset
* CSC-70 Backpack Carrying Case
* FNB-70 Clip-on NiCad Battery Pack
* NC-70 Rapid Charger/AC Power Supply
* FC-70M Manual Antenna Tuner
Price is $1000 shipped/insured to CONUS. Unit is working well,
have been making QSO's most weekends on QRP and HFPack frequencies.
73 and thanks for reading, please email off newsgroup, direct to