Thread: eHam...GEEZ!
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Old March 13th 04, 08:05 AM
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Default eHam...GEEZ!

WOW...the censureship, the deletion of folks' Product Reviews , and eHams
inability to stand-up to being a 'puppet' for the Big Boys. eHam now wants
your money too!
Product Review Changes
Bill Fisher (W4AN) on March 12, 2004
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Recently I implemented a change to the Product Reviews area of this site to
limit access to most review details to only subscribers. These are
people who have contributed to the site operations. The reason for the
change was quite simply to increase the number of subscribers and the
resulting cash for operations.

This site is dedicated to amateur radio... a hobby. However, it is painfully
obvious that a good percentage of the users of this site think that a Web
site about a hobby, should also be a hobby. That some how it should be made
available to everyone for free. Well, I've personally reached a point where
I'm unable and unwilling to personally finance this site's hosting. I'm also
unable and unwilling to discount my time. I feel really bad saying so
considering all of the managers on the site do their jobs with little or no
compensation. But, they figure in to this decision as well.

I apologize for not announcing this change ahead of time. For now, I've
removed the restrictions on the Product Reviews. Please feel free to comment
here or in our Site Talk forum on this subject. After we have reviewed
everyone's thoughts, we'll attack this again. Regardless, something will be
implemented that will affect change in the number of subscribers.

Thanks for your patience and consideration.

73 Bill Fisher, W4AN