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Old January 22nd 05, 03:21 PM
Posts: n/a

Mike Coslo wrote:
bb wrote:

Mike Coslo wrote:

Caveat Lector wrote:

I have that problem occaisionally with a bencher single paddle key
and increasing the spacing between the points and adding a little


spring tension solves the problem.

I'll try that. There is an adjustment spring, but perhaps it is a
little weak and should be replaced.

I like the contact spacing paper thin, but when it is too thin --

may cause

a double bounce.

Yes Bencher does make a single paddle key -- looks like the Iambic

with two

paddles -- but functions as a single paddle key.

That sort of key sounds logical to me. Although I'm starting to


the Iambic, it still seems a little strange. I should probable see



et a little better before switching again.

Thanks, Mike KB3EIA -

Indeed they are strange. That's why I'm not big on lambics, but I

enjoy a trappist on ocassion. My preferences lean toward wheats

pales, and kolsch if I want a lager.

I must confess to a weakness for the Chimay line. I was working at

offsite a few years back, and there was a wonderful restaurant in
Cambrige Square - The Wurst House - where we would go for dinner

We'd often split a bottle, one per two people. Unfortunately, the

house is gone...8^(

Chimay is something special. I don't know how they came upon the "Red,
White, and Blue" theme, but I like that too. For some reason I've
retained about two cases of bottles in my garage for refill, but I'm
not sure that I'll cork them. I believe that I can get a special
european bottle cap that will fit them,

Otherwise, I like a good wheat such as Franziskaner. A Kolsch is


Most of the wheats I've had are domestic with the exception of the few
days I spent at Ramstein awaiting to go into Somalia.

I haven't made a pale in a while, in fact the first one I did was an

accident. I something like tripled the amount of hops in a brew I

Almost threw the batch away after the first swig. By the time I was
finished with the batch, I was a true believer in Hops!

When I stick to noble hops and don't add them too late, i.e., after the
last 15 minutes of the boil in my opinion, I can handle a lot of
bitterness. I just get tired of all the overhopped, green
grassy-tasting, APAs.

I also brewed my first successful wheat beer this fall. I am pretty
pleased with it. Light and a good bit of flavor at the same time. A
partial mash.

Wheats and pales are my favorites, and wheats really hit the spot after
cutting the grass. I've concentrated on wine making over the last 1.5
years, and my beer selection is non-existant. My son and I brewed up
some "stone ale" with everything we had left over. It's still in the

If you ever do make it to Dayton, we should exchange a few bottles.

- Mike KB3EIA -

I'd like that.

Since moving to Ohio, I always have to play Dayton by ear. It always
lands in my first spraying contract. I managed to get that weekend off
last year because of a lack of overtime money. But then it coincided
with a Scout campout. For me, April made it easier to get to.

Hey, if you want to bring me up to speed on your balloon project, drop
me a note to my real email acount, .
