Thread: eHam...GEEZ!
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Old March 15th 04, 09:06 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

J999w wrote:
My question is ... just how many websites can a person afford to subscribe to?
Add that to cable TV, internet, etc.

It's just not practical !

That's pretty much it jw. Eham is quite welcome to go to a paid
service. I wish them luck. The web is changing from the fun and open
early days. Even trying to search the web is now pretty weird, what with
my first several hit's being to other search engine sites that try to
get me to subscribe to something.

As for myself, I'll pass on joining up with them. It's too bad, but
that's the way it goes sometimes. If I have to start paying for every
place I go to, I'll just spend more time on the air!! 8^)

- mike KB3EIA -