Thanks to all the responses, but yes, I have installed the updated
suppressors (Harbach modifactions with new suppressors, parts
underneath the chassis, etc.) Unfortunately, this TUNE variable
capacitor is so badly melted and mangled that it really does need to
be replaced. It no longer arcs on 10M now, but now arcs on 20M, etc.
I've cleaned up the cap as much as possible with some small files, but
it's still in bad shape. It even arcs down at the base of the rotary
plates now, not so much at the outer edges that were originally melted
I'm still looking for a replacement 250 pf. cap from a Heath
(Bpn518) wrote in message ...
Unfortunately, depending on how much arcing has occurred, the arc marks or
rough edges left make it even easier to arc again, even with the suppressors.
Suppressors are cheap enough and easy enough to install to give it a try. But,
you may find out that the arcing still occurs. Some people have successfully
deburred the rough edges created from the arcing to get a nice smooth surface
edge again, and the arcing may stop.
Good luck. Bennett ko2ok