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Old March 18th 04, 10:03 PM
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"Incognito" wrote in message news:XSc6c.19552$Nj.2045@fed1read01...
High price on e-Bay was around $1200 as reported by Hampedia -- URL:

But "Collector Quality Mint " MAY draw more.
If it is as you say, A collector will pay considerable more for it on E-Bay
than the guy around the corner.

However the last "mint" TL-922A on E-Bay went for $867

Keep in mind these amps do not cover the WARC bands. A draw back to many

Incognito By Necessity (:-(

If you can't convince them, confuse them.
- - -Harry S Truman

"N4ATS" wrote in message
Whats a Brand New Kenwood TL-922A 2KW Amplifier Worth? I have one , it
is way to heavy for my bench. It is BRAND NEW NEVER USED! Whats it
worth? Please email me at


One thing is you take a risk putting it up on ebay. I have never
really been to happy with that service. For one it costs to much to
post. Two people won't buy what they bid on. Three ebay does nothing
about it. Four its so easy for people to lie about you. In my opinion
ebay SUCKS! I have had to many bad experances and not enough good to
out weigh the good. Enough of that!
The TL 922 Kenwood amp is a good looking amp and it was the mate to
the 930 and 940 kenwood radios. Single 3-500 is the tube that in that
amp. That amp also has alot of problems in the relay curcuit and in
the band switch. The band switch isn't heavy enough for the amount of
power going through it. Its a one kilowatt amp not two.
If you want to know more about the curuit fixes for the amp check out
Its worth is not much more then a SB 220 or SB 221. If the
curcuit fix has been done than it might be worth 800 to 1000 bux.
73 Snoopydawg