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Old December 4th 04, 10:21 PM
Reg Edwards
Posts: n/a

Don't know from personal experience, but Les Moxon, author of HF
Antennas for all Locations, seems to believe it creates an advantage.
You might want to read his thoughts on that.

The advantages of which Moxon wrote are for *horizontal* polarization
only. If the antenna height above ground is correct, the ground
reflection can reinforce low-angle radiation in the downslope direction.

But Moxon also shows specifically that there are *no* such advantages
for vertical polarization. The ground-reflected ray is lost at a high
73 from Ian G3SEK


Dear Ian, what has Moxon got to do with it?

Without personal experience how do you know you are not plagiarising and
further propagating old-wives' tales?

If you have personal experience do you need anybody else's support anyway?

Just state the facts on your own authority.

Or do authors all belong to the same masonic club which adds nothing to

My only little axe is that I find it irritating when I read about quite
unnecessary references which add nothing but verbiage to the conversation.
Perhaps I'm funny or just impatient in that way.

But I'm sure you understand my non-technical interruption to this thread
with my appology. Reply not needed.

(PS: I have only vaguely heard of Moxon in these newsgroups. Never read him.
Not the slightest disrespect to him, or her, intended. But my own reference
bibles are restricted to Ohm, Ampere and Volta.)
I think I can still call you my Internet friend. ;o)
Yours, Reg, G4FGQ