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Old April 15th 04, 10:57 AM
Posts: n/a

Steve wrote:
Hi all, I have been looking at some of these newsgroups
for a few years now. There is something I don't understand.
Every now and then somebody posts a radio for sale and says
"I only took it out of the box to test it and then I put it back in the

Some people LIE!!!
While it's certainly possible for people to have more money than sense,
it's MUCH more likely that they are not disclosing something. Are they
gonna tell you, "I got it at a swameet and don't know the history?" I
think not.

If it's a really good deal, it's probably broke.
If it's not a really good deal, you can't risk it being broke.

You think this is bad, go to one of the computer sale newsgroups.
Battery is good because the little meter sez 100% (er, uh, three years
ago when I stored it in the attic.)

Before you send me hate mail, let me hasten to add that probably 90% of
the people in the world are (mostly) honest (when there's risk of being
caught). It's just impossible to tell WHICH
90%. The anonymity and lack of accountability afforded by the internet
can skew that number SIGNIFICANTLY. Your neighbor is unlikely to try to
deceive you. Bubba445 in West Virginia?...not so sure.

Why buy it in the first place if you're not going to use it??
Why not look at the spec sheet on the manufactures site, they tested it.

Just curious, I do see this about once a month or so.
Any ideas?

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Bunch of stuff For Sale and Wanted at the link below.
Toshiba & Compaq LiIon Batteries, Test Equipment
Honda CB-125S $800 in PDX
Yaesu FTV901R Transverter, 30pS pulser
Tektronix Concept Books, spot welding head...