My measurements, posted on this newsgroup some time ago and also
published in QST's Technical Correspondence even longer ago, were for
300 ohm TV twinlead. The line was not lying on a wooden deck, nor did
the measurements involve detergent of any kind.
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
Cecil Moore wrote:
Edmund H. Ramm wrote:
Extreme sensitivity to rainwater for one. Don't rely on my word,
take the time to read above mentioned article by Wes Stewart.
Didn't Wes use tap water and Joy detergent laying on a wooden deck?
Or was that Roy? If they had submerged the ladder-line in salt water,
it could have been even worse. :-) If the ladder-line is vertical, rain
water has very little effect according to my measurements (which I have
never published).
73, Cecil