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Old December 7th 04, 03:56 AM
Posts: n/a

H. Adam Stevens, NQ5H wrote:
"Jim - NN7K" wrote in message
. com...
Congrats, and enjoy--- but as a thread of a couple days ago

reminded --
( You have been warned ), just remember , to quote: "WE ARE ALL

Best-- Jim NN7K

Simon Smith wrote:
I took my foundation license and morse exam to-day, and both were

All I have to do now is to: choose a transceiver - choose a tuner

choose an antenna - find someone to errect it - get a log book -

and I'm
sure there are lot's of other things ..... Anyway .... now I've

shared my
excitement with you all - I feel much better.
John in Cornwall UK

Get on the air and enjoy, Simon!

But this nut, when he was 14, April 1964, took the bus from Waco to

walked to the Federal Building, took the 13 WPM test and the written.
Nailed them both.
So there.

This raving looney & class nerd hiked uphill both ways in a raging
blizzard to the Old Customhouse in Philly and passed the 5wpm Novice
thing 1953. Follwed shortly by the same trek for the 13wpm test for the
General. Thought I had it made for life and that I'd seen the last of
those squinty-eyed FCC examiners. But, nah, they reshuffled the deck
and "invited me back" in 1968 to take the 20wpm Extra. Figgered that
since we were getting snowed in I also took/passed the Second
Radiotelegraph to kill some time . .

.. . . (so there) . . ?


Oh yeah, welcome to the club.