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Old December 7th 04, 04:04 AM
The Modulator
Posts: n/a

Golly let me take exception Dave

The newsgroups - particularly this one is a great Amateur Radio asset --
many knowledgeable antenna gurus here.
Many technical questions and answers are fielded on the NG's every day.

Yes NGs are free and open forums -- so you will find many junk posts, but
weed thru them and there is really some good stuff.

As for being on the air -- anyone on HF will know that "A foundation
License" has been issued in the UK since January 2002
See URL:

Many many folks on the NGs are on the air frequently -- see or the digital or satellite groups

Anyway congratulations are in order for John in Cornwell.

Dave gave you some great ideas for modes of operation and I agree "You will
see -- it's the best hobby you have ever picked."

Welcome to Ham Radio

73, Happy Holidays, and enjoy the many facets of Amateur Radio

The Modulator In The USA -- RF Gotta Go Somewhere

"Dave Bushong" wrote in message
Simon Smith wrote:
I took my foundation license and morse exam to-day, and both were
All I have to do now is to: choose a transceiver - choose a tuner -
choose an antenna - find someone to errect it - get a log book - and I'm
sure there are lot's of other things ..... Anyway .... now I've shared my
excitement with you all - I feel much better.
John in Cornwall UK

Foundation license? Which is that????

Simon, good luck to you, and you should spend more time on the air than
you spend here. Get away from this web site - the*
newsgroups are mostly counter-productive. You will find people here who,
well, don't get on the air (I don't know how else to say it).

You should go work CW, work voice, spend some time on SSTV, and then on
PSK, and try some of the funky digital modes, and of course, do some SSB,
but make it so much fun that you can't even explain to your friends why
you spend every weekend doing it.

You will see -- it's the best hobby you have ever picked.

Take care, and all the best, and 73
