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Old December 7th 04, 04:54 PM
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
I need to "move" a 19-element K2RIW 432 MHz yagi from its orignal
design frequency of 432 MHz to 445 MHz. I can't change to element
positions but I can change their lengths. But by how much? -W9IP

That is a 3% change. Shorter. Check the VSWR to see what BW you are
getting. You maybe able to cut the driven element slightly, or just change
the postion of the gamma match. Since the rest of the antenna can't change
the element positions the antenna is stuck at 432 with the BW it has, which
may include 445. 3% is a small change, within mechanical tolerances, and the
gamma match may define where the best VSWR is.