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May 19th 04, 03:11 AM
Posts: n/a
TUFF (John Goller, k9uwa) wrote in message news:Morqc.21613$qA.2440824@attbi_s51...
In article 1drqc.112183$Ik.9147885@attbi_s53,
TUFF says...
John k9uwa
Forgot one...
the Dayton Convention Buro .. sets the prices that the Hotels
Charge for Hamvention as well as all other Conventions..
100 bucks plus for a Holiday Inn Express ... is a little on the
high side!
John k9uwa
It was sad to see so many empty booths inside and out. Even some of
the regulars like Mosley, HAL, QRZ DX/DX Magazine, etc. were not there
this year. Surplus Sales of Nebraska had only a small token booth
instead of their usual big one. The big tent out in the flea market
that had several aisles of vendors was not there this year. The DX and
Contest forums that used to hold a big standing room only crowd were
relegated to a small "meeting" room. Regular forums like the excellent
"mobile radio installation and noise reduction" session were not held
there this year.
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