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December 9th 04, 10:31 PM
Jim - NN7K
Posts: n/a
If you are going to do that - go to " " as understand, they
created Netscape's software -- and get their new browser "Mozilla
Firefox " and their companion e-mail server " Mozilla Thunderbird"
- both are freebies and, that the ones I useing- has all the
conveniences of outlook/and I.E. 6, but seems to be friendlier to
blocking junk, and not as vulnerable to the security holes that M/S
has. Give it a try ! Jim NN7K
, Art, wrote:
I am finding that WindowsXP is allowing 20 cookies (plus other stuff ) a day
to attach to my computor which requires the use of another program to be
every day to quarentine them. Thinking of going back to the Netscape browser
so as to
keep the computor cleen. Also interested in how much it would cost for
firewalls to bring
WindowsXP back to the protective level of Netscape 7.1.
(Yes I know it is not antenna related, unless you
need a computor to read antenna postings or use WindowsXP for antenna
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